I decided, after a few weeks of consideration, to go public with my blog. It was a difficult decision to make for a few reasons. The first being that I would have to delete my very first entry written in March because it was about someone specific in my life and it wasn't very nice. It was a total bitch session. I felt so good after I wrote it, but I felt uneasy that someone would find it and tell that person about it. (Don't worry, it wasn't about you!)
The second reason it was a difficult decision is, from now on, no more bitch sessions about anyone at all. I meant for this to kind of be like a journal. Sort of therapeutic. Maybe the therapy is finding a way to come to terms with irritants without spouting a river of obscenities.
Lastly, there is an element of self-importance to writing and putting it out there for all the world to read. Like, "Here! Read me! I am witty and interesting!" I would never claim to be anywhere near a well-developed writer. As a matter of fact, the whole time I am writing an entry, I am painfully aware that I use way too many commas and probably in the wrong places.
Misspellings and bad grammar be darned. I have thoroughly enjoyed pecking out my first few entries. You can read it or not. I hope you like it enough to stop by every now and then. You will notice I have used a different name. This is just to keep away the stalkers. Please subscribe on the right side of the page if you want to get regular updates. If you post comments, be nice darn dang it!
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