For the last three weeks or so I have had a song running through my head. Does that happen to you? I know everyone gets a song stuck in their head every now and then. But this song, it just won't go away!
It all started because I asked my husband to get me Amy Winehouse's Back to Black CD. Dutiful he is, so I had it the next day. It has about ten songs on it, none of which are very lengthy, enabling one to listen to it over and over. And over. And over. And over.
It is one of the best albums I have listened to in a long time. I absolutely love every single song on it. The first song is Rehab and, while I love it, I am a little sick of it after the hundreth time. All of the other songs are superb. I love the bluesy, jazzy, oldies, big-band feeling to her music. The lyrics, though, that is what gets you. I am amazed at how she manages to fit in so many curse words and drug and sex references and have it sound, well, normal.
So this song, the third on the list, is called Mr. Jones (What Kind of Fuckery). Who, I ask, can resist liking a ballad with the word "fuckery" in it? NOT ME! She croons, "What kind of fuckery is this?!" The very next line, she blames a guy for making her miss "the Slick Rick gig." Oh! It's genius!
I feel so bad that Miss Winehouse is an alcoholic crack addict. So many of the most talented musical artists are addicted to drugs and alcohol. The sad part about it is, I wonder, if she cleaned up, would her music still be great?
I'm not enough of an A-hole to wish anyone ill will. I hope she cleans up. But I am starting to think I may need rehab to get this song out of my head.
"What kind of fuckery are we? Nowadays you don't mean dick to me..."
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