Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jerry Aristotle

My husband cracks me up.

We watch Jeopardy every night. Well, we record it every night and catch up on the nights I'm off. I would say that my husband and I are of equal intelligence. In completely different subjects, but fairly equal.

The difference lies here: When I watch Jeopardy, I pay attention to the title of every category. You have to so that you can answer some of the questions correctly. For example, they will have a category titled, "Crossword Clues F." This means that every answer will begin with the letter F. So if the clue is, "Wind instrument in the orchestra" you answer, "What is flute?" instead of, "What is oboe?"

My husband on the other hand, NEVER pays attention to the category. This always produces some hilarious results. Here is a play by play of a recent viewing:

Contestant: I will take "Johnny" for $600, Alex.
Alex: This famous man..blah blah blah.....

My husband: Who is Nostradamus!?
Me: (wheezing and barely able to breathe through the laughter) JOHNNY NOSTRADAMUS?!!

Thankfully, my hubby is a good sport and able to laugh at himself. We had to pause the show and for five minutes we laughed and made up funny names. Bobby Copernicus. Gary Tchaikovsky. Brian Michelangelo. Larry Voltaire.

If you ever see me laughing like a crazy person in my car, it is probably because I am thinking of that moment.

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