So, I went to the lake recently. I made this long list of things I needed to take with me and, in my flurry of
organization, I forgot to take my phone charger. The result is I only took one picture while I was there. This one to the left. I took it at six a.m.
Maybe the picture is sort of apropos. It reflects my dark mood as of late. Yet, there is a little bit of light and maybe the promise of more to come. If the light would just hurry then you could see exactly how beautiful the view is. Yes, quite apropos.
My time at the lake was wonderful. My high school girlfriends and I go every year. Like us, our time at the lake has changed a lot. I remember one year, we took a keg and nine of us girls floated the thing in two nights. Now, after marriages, babies, and maturation, we catch a small buzz with a few beers and some
girly mixed drinks and hit the sack by eleven. Well,
they hit the sack.
I, as I have explained a few times, work night shift. I do my best to switch back to a
daywalker's schedule when I am off, but it doesn't always match up. So, while everyone else was sleeping, I lay awake and stared at the ceiling. I'm glad though. It gave me time to think. I would really like more time to think in my life. And silence. I need more silence.
The worst invader of my desire for silence is the television. I have been considering imposing serious limits on my television intake. My husband is a television
junky. In the past, when I have suggested decreasing our T.V. time, his face contorts into an expression of
bewilderment as if I were speaking in tongues. In his defense, he has a very physical profession. He is ready to come home and plop down on the couch. Like most ideas I have, this will probably fall into the "things you say you're going to do and then never do" category. That category is in overload.
Yesterday I had one of those days when you're just in a really hateful mood. It started off when I woke up at four a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. So, I got up and played on the computer for a bit. That was fine but by about eight, I was starting to get sleepy again. I am just like a three year-old when I am tired- GRUMPY. At least I recognize this about myself. I had an appointment with my
GYN at ten-thirty and I had decided by this time that I didn't want to go. That is my
modus operandi. Get sleepy and grumpy and avoid
Unfortunately, I really needed to go and I took a short nap. The nap did not cure my mood.
I get to the office and they send me down the hall to get an ultrasound so they could check out my
dysfunctional ovaries. Near the ultrasound is another little waiting area. This office insists on their
confirmation phone call that you arrive twenty minutes early for your appointment. I did. Yet, I still waited till half an hour after the scheduled time to get in.
That went fine and it actually felt good to find out that, as I suspected, my ovaries hate me. Then I had to wait to see the doctor. I was instructed to go back to the main waiting room. Though childless (so far by choice), I am not anti-motherhood or anti-children. I love kids. Just not the kids of people I don't know. Well, some kid I don't know had decided to take the entire waiting room hostage with constant yelling and whining. "I want mommy. I want mommy. I want mommy.
Whaaaa!" I was trying to read my book to pass the time and I couldn't even make it through two sentences without having to reread the line. I must have read the same paragraph forty times before the kid's hillbilly father decided to take him out of the room. I shot daggers into his back as he clomped out in his red alligator boots.
I felt sweet relief when they called my name. I followed a girl to the back where she made me stand on a scale to prove I was just as fat as I was when I was there two weeks ago. And just like the girl two weeks ago, she invented a nice sounding blood pressure number that I know wasn't right. Did I mention I'm a nurse? My blood pressure is high. I take it at work all the time and it is always the same.
Miraculously, this office lowers my blood pressure by twenty points on the top and bottom. Must have been the crying kid that relaxed me.
When finished, she showed me to another little cove with a waiting area until a room was available. The room had about ten chairs. Already in there, were two women in their late twenties. That's fine, but they proceeded to talk
at the top of their lungs about every little detail about their toddlers and the phases they are going through. Once again, I attempted to read my book but was constantly interrupted by, "Little Joey hit me the other day and when I told him we don't hit, he hauled off and hit me again." And the response, "Oh, I know, little
Eggbert hits me all the time. He also head-butts the floor constantly." And the response, "Did you know I read online that head-butting is a sign of
intelligence?" After which I promptly threw myself out of my chair and began to head-butt the floor.
No, not really. But their
conversation went on and on and on. Now, I am not anti-talking. But could you just lower your voices so I can read my book? I put the book away and attempted post a nasty status update about them on
Facebook. Of course, I was too deep in the building for the network service on my phone to work. Finally, I got to see the doctor and escape
reproduction hell. I may have to find a doctor's office with no OB next to the
GYN after their name.
I got to my car which was hotter than hell and I actually heard my ass sizzle when I slid into the seat. Then I proceeded to turn the wrong damn way and had to take the five-mile-long scenic route around the hospital campus. It was lunchtime and everyone, I mean EVERYONE was driving like a first-class turd nugget. After maneuvering through the
Breckinridge Lane Demolition Derby I stopped into Dooley's for a bite. Another quality I have in common with a three year-old is I get grumpy when I'm hungry. (Really, I am obviously just a giant baby. I should start taking pacifiers with me everywhere I go.) This Dooley's only had like five tables and they were all taken.
I got my order to go and ate in my car in the parking lot because I wanted to go to that shining mecca called Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I need to start cooking a little healthier and I wanted to buy a wok and try my hand at some
stir fry. A girl at work had told me she has an electric wok you can sit on the counter. That was exactly what I wanted. That was exactly what they didn't have. I settled on a non-stick stove top wok, which is basically a bowl shaped skillet. I also bought a rice steamer and some plastic chopsticks for lazy fingered people. They have little springs at the top. They rule. (FYI, I do know how to use real ones, so don't be embarrassed to ask me out for sushi.)
I had all of my stuff in my cart and was suddenly overcome by the need to pee. I headed up front and went to the bathroom. Yeah, you can see what's coming. When I came out, someone had taken my cart!!!! I figured it was one of the over-zealous employees and rushed back to the section expecting to see them putting my stuff back on the shelf. Instead, I glanced up the aisle and saw some woman pushing my cart around with my stuff still in it! Now, I know she saw the stuff. It wasn't small.
I walk up to her and in my nice voice, along with my nicest "what the hell are you thinking" face, I asked her, "Did you mean to grab that cart?" She was surprised of course to be called out and was all apologetic. Even in my foul mood, I was able to muster up my "friendly persona" and blather on about how it was O.K. and how one time at Kroger I
accidentally grabbed some guy's cart thinking it was mine. And then, I also
proceeded to tell her she could go ahead and use the cart because I was leaving. I took out my stuff and exchanged shallow assurances that it was alright and went to check out. Really, I should have thanked her. I probably wouldn't have left and would have walked around looking for stuff to buy that I really didn't need. Like the
PedEgg. I must have a
PedEgg! Or another damn Yankee Candle.
Mmmm, Cotton Breeze.
Now, in an even foul-er mood, I had to go to Kroger. I made the mistake of going to a Kroger that was on the way home that is not the Kroger I usually go to. I can't stand not being able to find stuff. And the Kroger I went to is one of the ones that is longer than three football fields. They need water boys passing out cups of water as you make your way through. It wasn't too bad really. And the girl bagging my groceries was the best grocery
bagger I have seen in years. She packed everything exactly like I would have. I put things on the conveyor belt with a system. Yet, most
baggers still do a crappy job. And don't get me started on those 99 cent black
eco-bags. I like my plastic bags. There. I said it. I don't care if your great-
grandchildren are sleeping on piles of them in the year 2099. Maybe if they butt their heads a little more they can figure out a way to get rid of them.
I finally made it home. Fortunately for my husband, he had left to go to a music festival and wasn't around to enjoy my grinch mood. Later, I made an early dinner of Thai
stir fry and it was wonderful. I left the television off for a while and the silence was really nice. It gave me time to reflect on how and when I began thinking that the world should revolve around me. I promised myself I would start to be more patient with the general public. And I will. As long as they get out my way and shut those kids up.