Thursday, May 6, 2010

You English Are SOOOO Superior!

Yes, I am about to get on my high horse! This is probably a really snooty post but I don't care! I am so sick of seeing people use the following words incorrectly. Now, I do not claim to have perfect grammar and my punctuation is less than perfect, but you can definitely improve your image by learning how to use the words below.

YOUR - possessive. Example: "It's your blatant disregard for English that irritates me."
YOU'RE - contraction for YOU ARE. Example: "You're going to fail your English class."

THEIR - possessive. Example: "It's their fault you're going to fail your English class."
THERE - direction/location. Example: "Your English class is over there."
THEY'RE - contraction for THEY ARE. Example: "They're making me take an English class."

ITS - possessive. Example: "Your incorrect use of English has taken on a life of its own."
IT'S - contraction for IT IS. Example: "It's ridiculously easy to use correct English."

TOO - use in place of "also" or "very." If you can't replace with "also" or "very" then use the word TO. You're not going TOO the store. You're going TO the store.

Thanks for listening. I feel much better now.